Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yay For Scarlett!

I have this amazing friend, she's a whiz at organizing events and understanding how people work. I've had the joy and pleasure of working with her before on another community event and so she knows how I work and how I like things.

Tonight she showed up at my art showing at the Phoenix Asylum in Boulder and offered her services to us for whatever we may need! I had to pick my jaw up off the ground and felt my heart swell. I had been aimlessly searching for someone exactly like her, someone capable and willing to be in charge of all the decorations and set-up for the ceremony and receptions the day of.

Everyone knows I'm a control freak with major OCD and "I Do It!" habits, many of the women helping have been repeating like a mantra "You need someone to take charge of getting everything done for you." These lovely women are doing quite a bit already, and don't feel up to the task of making sure the big picture happens.

Scarlett loves doing these kinds of things and is amazing at achieving miracles. To have her want to help on a trade basis is even better. (I think she wants art, maybe something else - whatever she wants, she gets for this! This lady knows I have a hard time receiving without giving back.)

This is a prayer answered in hearts and rainbows. Yay!

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